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The Power of an Intuitive Friend

By isolation, Real life, Inspiration

I’m not sure about you, but over the years when I have had hard seasons and find myself in a very overwhelmed state, I wonder if anyone even notices that I am drowning. I wonder why they haven’t noticed how stressed I am, why they haven’t checked in with me, why they haven’t offered some help or at least some encouragement. Read More


Where is my Village?

By isolation, Home Life, Stay at home parent

We have probably all heard the phrase:

‘It takes a village to raise a child.’

I think there is a lot of truth in that; but probably for most of us it is a romantic idea that is just not reality. In fact, a lot of the time the opposite seems to be true: having children can actually seem to create loneliness. For many of us, we don’t have family living close by to lend a hand; some of us don’t even have a partner on the scene to help. Life can get busy, and it seems that it is so full, but still so…Lonely.

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