A local feeding clinic run by Child and Family Health Nurses with IBLCE credentialing or an Advanced Breastfeeding Practice course.
They are available to help you with a range of feeding issues such as:
- A comprehensive breastfeeding or bottle feeding assessment
- Positioning and attachment difficulties
- Low breast milk supply
- Nipple pain
- Assessment of infants tongue and lip
- Feeding support of multiple births e.g. twins
- Reflux issues
- Weaning
- Maternal concerns relating to breastfeeding
- Infants where there is an identified weight gain issue
- Mastitis
- Difficulty with introduction to solids
- Bottle-feeding and artificial breast milks (formula)
Book an appointment for the Springwood clinic held on Tuesdays at Springwood Community Health Centre
- Appointments are made by phoning the Clinical Nurse Unit Manager (CNUM) on 47510100
288-292 Macquarie Rd, Springwood NSW