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Day Trip- Blaxland

By Out with Children, Blue Mountains Experience, Supporting Blue Mountains
Getting ‘Out of the Nest’ is often easier said than done right?

My heart is to make it easier for you. So, I have created some Day trip guides for some of the suburbs in the Blue Mountains.

I have based these guides loosely on:

Places to PLAY, EAT, WALK, SHOP and any additional extra activities. Ill also give a brief of a day trip plan that I particularly like based on may family of 4 (11,8,6 and 3)

I will link to as much as I can and add as many helpful insights as I know.

If you have additional insight/ideas, please do let me know. I can add them in for the benefit of everyone.

Lets look at….


Day Trip- Glenbrook

By Out with Children, Blue Mountains Experience, Supporting Blue Mountains
Getting ‘Out of the Nest’ is often easier said than done right?

My heart is to make it easier for you. So, I have created some Day trip guides for some of the suburbs in the Blue Mountains.

I have based these guides loosely on:

Places to PLAY, EAT, WALK, SHOP and any additional extra activities. Ill also give a brief of a day trip plan that I particularly like.

I will link to as much as I can and ass as many helpful insights as I know of.

If you have additional insight/ideas, please do let me know. I can add them in for the benefit of everyone.

Lets look at….


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As a midwife I am sorry.

By Breastfeeding, Fourth Trimester
As a Midwife I am sorry.


When Breastfeeding Awareness weeks are shared on social platforms, I am always so aware that many women may feel triggered by all the sharing around breastfeeding.

Triggered because maybe you tried and feel like you did not meet the feeding objectives you had.

Triggered because you may be wounded by your breastfeeding journey.

Triggered because of how frustrating the misalignment of promotion vs support felt for you.

As a midwife I want to say…. I am Sorry for my part in this. It is not your fault. Read More

My Obstetric Trauma

By Miscarriage and Infant Loss, Maternity, Womens Health
TRIGGER WARNING… This blog details part of my own obstetric trauma, which may be triggering for anyone who has had their own traumatic experience


My Story:

Pregnant with my 4th child I found myself incredibly anxious about the upcoming birth.I wasn’t just a bit nervous; I was anxious and frightened in a way I had never been before.I had had 3 births that were quite wonderful. I had never had a fear around birth before, in fact I found the whole experience amazing! Yet here I was having small anxiety attacks about birthing my daughter.

What had happened?

I had had a traumatic miscarriage experience several months before this pregnancy and it changed me. Read More