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Hot Chocolate in the Blue Mountains

By Out with Children, Blue Mountains Experience, Inspiration

The weather is indeed getting cooler and the invitation for hot chocolate is definitely becoming more enticing.  

My family quite like to go out for the sole purpose of enjoying a Hot Chocolate. So, I thought I would create a list of some places in the Blue Mountains that lend themselves to being a ‘Hot chocolate destination’ in the hopes it may help you get Out of the Nest.

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Supporting someone in the Hard seasons of life.

By Real life, Inspiration
Supporting Someone In The Hard Seasons of Life

Life can be sunshine, rainbows, and roses. And of course, that’s what we hope for. Unfortunately though, life doesn’t always let us decide the road we travel, and often, our plans are rudely interrupted by tragedy. This can take many forms – divorce, miscarriage, a terminal illness, a chronic health diagnosis, death of a loved one – just to name a few. We may be blessed to not travel these roads ourselves, but the likelihood is that over the course of our lives we will walk beside somebody who needs to navigate some of the hardest things life can throw at us. Read More

Guidance and support from a local Kindy teacher.

By Inspiration, Family
I am one of the many mums sending a child off to kindergarten this year. It is a strange time for all of us to be supporting our children and each other with these big grow up moments.. I am blessed to have a few beautiful teacher friends in my world, so I thought I would ask one of them a few questions and publish them here for you. To hopefully give us all a bit of support and encouragement.
Sarah Allison is the Wycliffe Hope school Coordinator at Wycliffe Christian School, a new program where education for children with extra challenges is met. A beautiful teacher with a beautiful heart!
I hope this helps some of you.

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